Vilnius Ulusal Concert Hall

Location: Vilnius, Litvanya

Year: 2019

Employer: Lithuanian Architects' Association

Category: International Competition, Concert Hall, Culture, Exhibition, Public Space

Project Area: 17.294 m²

Team: Seden Cinasal, Ramazan Avcı, Merve Şen, Aysema Ülke, Merve Özduman, Bengüsu Yeşiloğlu, Fatih İbiş, Yaşar Aydoğan

Tauras Hill dominates the city in terms of its location and elevation. Therefore, the competition area is valuable for cultural and artistic events and social activities in the city. However; The lack of active areas, the idle Trade Center and the height of Tauras Hill have defined obstacles in terms of accessibility, causing the project area to take on an isolated character from the city.

In this architectural design proposal, the axis formed between Lukiskiu Square, Vilnus Municipality and Tauras Hill has formed the main focus of the project. Public spaces are designed on this axis, and an inviting and characteristic concert hall design is proposed at the end of the axis.